
by kerouac&dylan

Posted to Utterances on 2002-04-24 18:17:00

Parent message is 172569
well first of all im interested because from the little that i hear about them im hearing that they are having difficulties and many deathes over there as well doing with racism and all this other stuff just like afgan and we try to call ourselves rigteous helping afgan but we never do anything about africa, not to mention everyone including our own country i feel has been screwing them over and useing them for like the past century and seems like nobudddy cares about them but they care about afgan wemon and i think its cause the general public doesn’t know whats going on in africa now because we have no intrest in whats going on it doesn’t effect us we can still and infact better take advantage of them because of it and i’d like to know whats going on in africa y’know but nobuddy ever talks about them.

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