
by bobby.f.m

Posted to Utterances on 2002-10-28 00:56:00

Parent message is 312693
Your car running out of zip
just as you are over a train line
and the train’s coming
but you get out just in time
I repeat
just in time
only to find
when you’ve walked home
skipped home
happy to be alive
that your wife is mad as hell
because you forgot the milk
and she
whacks you
with the stupid copper vase
her stupid mother
gave you for Christmas
and you bleed to death
right there on the carpet
while the tow truck man
is telling his friends
what a close call you had
and how lucky
how really lucky
you were
and there’s no time
for nothing
before you die?

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.