a kiss for luck to you today dearest Slog: watch for signs

by jota

Posted to Utterances on 2002-11-14 14:24:00

Parent message is 323554
Maman calls today and says
Secondo, she says, I tell you, I ask you now
that day on the bridge, me will you ever forgive?
Ma, I say, what are u talking ’bout?
Your brother Primo, she says, I already talka to him today
‘bout this day on the bridge
Ma, that was thirty-two years ago
I know, I know, she says to the receiver
and I hear her comin’ outta the phone at the other end
and two thousand miles and thirty-two years later
I hear her noddin as she’s speakin’
I told Primo, she says, that I was sorry, the little phone voice says
Ma, you didn’t do it, it’s okay
no no no
You know I never asked you to forgive me
You know how mixed up I was
You know you and Primo were just little kids
Ma, stop it…
And now I gotta tell you, I am sorry for what I did…

For what you did?
Ma, listen to me, now, don’t you remember? You walked off that bridge – and lived…and so did we

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.