
by Emelia

Posted to Utterances on 2002-11-22 19:02:00

Parent message is 327557
if we were to adopt your method, we would need one thing: instructions. if everyone is moving, we would still need to work together, to maintain our existance, otherwise we would have to suffice w/ the not-so-slow crumbling and decay of our existance, and soon enough we would find ourselves up the creek w/ o a paddle. not that we all have an important task in society that will need to be maintained…but we’ll still need certain professions. Either the professions will need to go on working to maintain our nomadic ways and infrastructures, or we’ll all need to take part in learning a different segment of society that we’ll be responsible for taking over…oh wait, that’s what we do now…forget-it.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.