Here’s something Novalark posted about Maslow

by Billectric

Posted to Utterances on 2002-12-30 10:13:00

Parent message is 348438
More Maslow

Posted to board: Utterances
by novalark on Jul 27, 2002 11:21 AM

The people at each level in the hierarchy of needs seeks
information on dealing with what is important to them.

1. Coping -seeking information when lost, out of food, or sick
2. Helping -seeking information on how to be safe such as food,
shelter, emergency supplies
3. Enlightening -seeking information on how to have a happier
marriage, more friends
4. Empowering -seeking information to help the ego
5. Edifying -seeking moral and spiritual uplifting such is found
with the word of God, spiritual music, and paintings

Once a person is self actualized, one is in a position to find
their calling. A musician must make music, an artist must paint,
and a poet must write. If these needs are not met, the person
feels restlessness, on edge, tense, and lacking something.
Lower needs may also produce a restless feeling, but here is it
much easier to find the cause. If a person is hungry, unsafe,
not loved or accepted, or lacking self-esteem the cause is
apparent. It is not always clear what a person wants when
there is a need for self-actualization

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