Wild Flowers

by buddhabitch

Posted to Utterances on 2003-01-30 07:31:00

Parent message is 371650
all of us need feedback at a certain point…it helps to maintain perspective, to ‘see’ a bit more clearly. I am always asking my friends for their perspective, their sage advice, it keeps me in line. But, as far as my creative output, I am the final arbitor of the final product…it has to satisfy me first and then with that sense of satisfaction, it really doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks about it…it only matters to me. Kudos are great, they inspire and urge us onwards. Just take my dogs for example…they are always looking for a pat on the head, we all thrive on nuturance. It is not important to determine ‘who’ needs or craves feedback, altho it is usually easy to tell…they leave clues everywhere, but youth is usually a good sign that someone needs a reply, a response. Us old farts should have done most of our ‘growing up’ by now, hopefully, and lightened up about the seriousness of ‘need’ and ‘want’…it takes awhile for this human animal to fully develop…I know it did for this late bloomer… I never stop learning and I know one thing for sure…the mystery continues…


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