concept and purpose of prose – hmmmm

by anniefay

Posted to Utterances on 2003-02-16 05:14:00

Parent message is 383136
would be detrmined by the writer…

concept – is determined by the author. there are too many types to address any, but the purpose (reason)must come first… what media will fulfill what the writer wants to convey.

for some the words must be put down because inside the writer lives a compulsion which must be adhered to… they write because they MUST.

for others – they write simply to connect. something that must be said. a huromous story, an essay of ideas. black drama, fantasy…

then the reader interprets from their experience the words they see – and the beauty is determined by the beholder. the connection is or is not made by the reader’s experiences.

and the good writer captures us into his/her world because we connect. all words (spoken or written) are to make a connection. to put them out there. to make us angry or stir us to action or make us smile or sad…

see i have no definitive answer. there are too many. but there is this need. to be read, to be heard, to touch someone somewhere… and know a head is bobbing in understanding.

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