
by ellipsis

Posted to Utterances on 2003-03-06 10:15:00

Parent message is 398241
your composed work descriptions match what about half of my composed works’ descriptions.

i like your thoughts behind your action poetry too. a lot of the things you mention, like word play, duality of meaning, and ambiguity of image, are some of the things i concentrate on when i write. i have no idea if i succeed in this, so i hope i don’t appear stupid based on the connection of what i just said and what i post to action poetry.

i only like my language when i type, type, type away, let it rush out through my fingers into the keyboard and onto the screen. it sounds good to me then, and i have to be in a certain state of mind to let that happen. but when i structure my work to communicate something in particular, i think the words lose all sense of beauty.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.