god… i hate to be a wet blanket and all

by firecracker

Posted to Utterances on 2003-03-18 17:06:00

Parent message is 405553
but i just don’t see it… not the way you’re trying to outline it here at least. i have hope, i wish for a lot. but i’m not always certain that my dreams will come true, no matter how much i hope.

you mentioned: “Until a hundred years ago, worldwide communication and travel was very difficult.”

while much can be attributed to pioneering spirits, these accomplishments relied/rely heavily on technological advances. unfortunately, technological advances in the balance between war/peace seem to tip in the favor of war… with bigger, faster, deadlier… easier ways to kill. combine this with the overwhelming instinct to group, shun, defend and attack… just doesn’t look like a good wager to me.

…but i’ll still join you in hoping. i always was one to root for the underdog. and well, you’re a mets fan…


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