the creation/destruction cycle

by foolish_Paeter

Posted to Utterances on 2003-04-17 21:17:00

Parent message is 428212
is so often seen on only a small scale, within the bounds of a planet often, with nature, where things die and new things are born; but it also exists on a universal scale. Eventually the whole universe will descend into darkness and then restart

The reason the laws don’t work approaching a singularity is because of the peculiarities of such numbers as 0 and infinity, or, rather, their inability to be used in calculation.
By the way, black holes & especially wormholes are still just theoretical
But x-rays have been found somehow emitting from places where a black hole is theorised to possibly be, as though the things going in are coming out as x-rays

(theoretically, the only difference between an x-ray and a light ray is wavelength)

A big basis of everything I talk about is matter & energy that Are in ways that science can’t see yet. For instance, I believe that cold is not the absence of heat, but rather the presence of cold. Heat is produced by the movement of particles in matter; the faster they move, the higher the heat. As an object’s decrease in speed, the heat goes down, and the particles theoretically stop entirely when they reach Absolute Zero (-273 degrees Celsius). But I believe that the particles are not slowing down & ceasing to move, but rather moving in a way not measurable by our current means.

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