birds sing

by dab

Posted to Utterances on 2003-05-05 17:11:00

Parent message is 444254
humans sing
poets sing
creativity ring
across the air
the same air
that held jesus’s hair

its a small world
in a big universe
but its all around us
this human verse.

when beats started
they started with hands
they started with minds
they started with glands

for its only time
before we realize
its life chorus chime

its rings
and brings the same
light to life
lived tragic
it lifts spirit like
heart felt magic

its works the soul
like a clay bowl
into shapes
into heads
like line
into cleat.

classification is only a tool
only a technology
are we slaves to technology
must we classify jazz as jazz
yes- we might
but does this make any cents?

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.