the value of people in writing

by Knip

Posted to Utterances on 2003-05-07 16:16:00

get it? 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person….together it is people!

i must say, i wholly prefer 1st person…it allows me to better get inside the author’s/character’s head, letting me see what is behind his/her actions and motives

obviously, a story taking place over a period of time, like a michener, must require 3rd person, although a historical fiction piece might be neat if it tracked history through generations using the 1st person for descendants……hmmm, an idea……3rd person is also useful for speaking more objectively about something than 1st person allows….one can see what is developing without worrying whether the narrative is skewed by individual (mis)perceptions

but i’ve never seen a novel in 2nd person, nor plural, for that matter…


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