I want to talk

by fallerte

Posted to Utterances on 2001-10-21 03:52:00

about my country. Just a crazy quirk at this moment. It is abit skitzoid but everyone here is a hyphenated citizen. English-Canadian, French-Canadian, Polish-Canadian, Indo-Canadian, and, oh my g-d even Swedish-Canadian. The thing is you can live here and still sort of retain your ethnic roots. I learned this early in life (it seems so long ago now) but if I was going to be able to make any moves on that ItalianChineeseIndianUkranianFrenchHindoJewishGermanwhatever lady that was driving me mad at the moment I had to learn some respect for their culture. Learn to eat borsch etc. Makes alot of people think we are not a nationality but it seems to me it should be the wave of the future. Why terrorize your neighbour when they may have something worthwhile that you do not yet know? Any feedback?

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.