silence or music

by doreen peri

Posted to Utterances on 2003-06-15 05:34:00

Parent message is 468363
i live with silence or music
combined with the elation of
a child’s magic romping
while the tragedies
pass by

i am instead
on the wire walking,
talking of the buried dead,
forging up ahead, my hope,
the rope to pull my feet from sand,
quick below, it echoes laughter
i don”t understand

cecil – i found these lines i wrote last night in an IM conversation from before i met clay and saved them

then i woke up to read your piece and thought these two verses somehow fit so i’m posting them here

you are so right… “we war, we battle, we fight, we argue, we manipulate”……the struggle unnecessary..

i yearn for the river,
to drink from her flow,
to go down to her bed,
to recline on her bank,
to thank the rush of rapids
which carry me upstream.

i have no raft
only arms to swim me,
legs to kick, a back to float

and so i go on cascade flow
without destination, the journey,
the ride, the trip, the tide, the float
and swim, the river’s claim,
my name drawn on a sand shore
with an oak branch,
washed out
by the flooding

“and so it goes” – kurt vonnegut

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.