Marcel Proust

by vincy

Posted to Utterances on 2001-10-22 10:05:00

Parent message is 46882
He came from an extremely wealthy Jewish bourgeois family, he was a passive member though, did not care much for the wealth, instead indulged in such morbid yet exquisite sensationalism that even in translation I have found his language most inspiring. Immaculate detail and indulgent conversationalism coming from this invalid eccentric. Definately a fine read for wintertime, warms you up in a flush if you give him patience and appreciation which you do not seem to lack. Mud is slippery Mudshark and the accident you encountered, I am sure is routine
for someone like you, nevertheless my condolances are always in order, I feel such sympathetic comradery
towards you and your dream lady, I almost touched her from a distance, asked her name, smalltalk…she was too busy looking at you, totally ignored me, If you ask me you got a warm place to occasionally cosy up in this winter, this….. just a hunch from an old bohemian.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.