
by Lightning Rod

Posted to Utterances on 2003-06-24 14:33:00

Parent message is 474866
Sorry, mars
You’ll have to pardon doreen. She is off her medication.
She usually takes two tabs of Astrozoid after she downs her handful of Phenalbizaarazine and chases it with three martinis before she can write a word that makes sense.
She’s been trying to take her clothes off all day, and she says it’s because of the heat but I know what she is up to. She is doing yoga in her string bikini in order to balance the yin and yang of her incessant libido. I don’t argue with her. It’s of no use. At some point she will take me by the hand and lead me to the bedroom. I go willingly.
She’s even more fun when she’s off her medication. I think I’ll call the pharmacist tomorrow and tell him that she is cracking scripts from four doctors.
Wait. Her wife went to prison for this, so maybe I’d better not.

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