just find out (edited a bit right there at the end)

by firsty

Posted to Utterances on 2003-12-12 15:15:00

Parent message is 560946
who’s conducting the studies.

the feminist movement controls most of the gender-related information going to congress and to other special interest groups. just a fact.

i think it’s possible that as a woman advances and gets into job levels where the pay is more flexible and subjective, that the differences might be more dramatic. you have to consider a lot of factors. most of them are discriminatory and therefore objectionable (for good reason).

it’s true that in a corporate environment a woman has different challenges than a man. but a man has challenges, too, many of which a woman should feel fortunate not to have. in fact, i would say that both men and women should feel fortunate not to have the challenges of the other gender on their shoulders, at least not on top of the ones they already have. so i think that a woman’s unique workplace challenges are to be summarily dismissed as part of life.

i have to say, despite all the expected flak i’ll take for this, that i think that, in some cases (i’m generalizing here), women are still adjusting to their role in the corporate workplace as much as the corporate workplace is adjusting to its new role as an equal giver of money to all. i think that many women are untrained by their moms (because of the situation 30 40 yrs ago) in the ways to handle the unique challenges of the workplace. when i was starting out, i went to my dad OFTEN for advice, and he had it. i think many women who are in these types of jobs are among the first women in their families to do so and therefore have few if any role models for success. i think this is a factor, because i think you have a lot of women who arent playing the game like the men are, therefore they arent being compensated “fairly.”

it’ll come, in time.

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