i’m pretty sure my first post was

by foolish_Paeter

Posted to Utterances on 2003-12-16 17:20:00

Parent message is 563690
Banjo Lesson on Nov. 6, 2002

Berserker Jones said “it goes beyond the shaking strings.
It goes beyond your hands, beyond you, beyond good and evil.”

So I stopped thinking about the strings.
I stopped thinking about my fingers.
I stopped thinking.
And so he taught me,
he taught me how to go outside of what’s inside me,
and channel the cosmic.
And I learned that the music wasn’t mine,
because it belonged to everyone.
And every song I had ever written had nothing to do with me,
and i was humbled,
and my Self was shattered
And without the self casting its shadow,
i could suddenly see everything else

And then he played,
and i learned why they call him the Mad Banjo Warrior.
and i watched as his strong, thick hands beat the tar out of his strings
and i heard the colours he painted in a blast radius around him

and i realized that i could do the same, for we were parts of the same whole..


Actually, Bill, that first post of yours is extremely fun to read out loud

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.