Warm wishes to you on this day…

by Alex Uziel

Posted to Utterances on 2004-01-18 13:22:00

Parent message is 584626
…as, like the others, I take it today is your birthday then. Blessings broadcast to Phar Lepht from the concrete avenues of Morningside Heights, New York, where the flaes fall thick and in abundance, only to melt in the gutters.

As Judih said: “Sunday is now gratefully mature.” I could not agree more.
I am one of many who enjoys your Sunday Stream missives, very much so.
Another year come full cycle in which we will indeed leave those traces for others to gather up and make some sense of. Have you ever wondered whether those blueprints we leave behind for our other fellow humans ot read en dup being jumbled pieces of illegible mortal rantings? I know for a fact mine are.

Indeed, the passage of longevity, lately I’ve been thinking of it regarding material objects. Like clothing, for instance. I think I’ve always been fond of old, well-worn garments. Jeans and boots that have undergone endless washings and scraping off of mud and grit from the countless trails and footpaths of this earth. And in them, we retrace our own little journey. The tear from the low-hanging bough of an oak tree in the Belgian Ardennes mountains. The red crust on a Caterpillar boot that is a relic of a forlorn little diner, reminiscent of a simple meal among friends.

Our faces and bodies that act as markings for the passage of Time. Birthday after birthday that brings with it a forehead that grows more with each frown, hair that grwos coarse and grey. Eyes that sadden with each painful thrust at the heart. The comfortable sagging of the flesh that seems to tug at the insides of the person as if to say: “I can’t rush around like this anymore, let’s stop and rest awhile.”

Longevity, we should ALL be so lucky….

Thanks for this, Cecil, you are the fulcrum that lifts the great stone of Knowledge and sets it tumbling down the mountainside of our minds, of our collective spirit.
It is always a pleasure to read you on these boards.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.