thanks vaselina doreen peri firsty byron katie elle franny

by universe=one-song

Posted to Utterances on 2004-02-25 17:58:00

and everyone who has shown me
where yet i still cling

i am not challenged
nor do i grow
when surrounded by those
who agree with me

i dedicate this to you all

      Funeral Pyre

an angry person
is a person in pain

pain is a

pain is
just the resistance
to letting go

i spread my arms wide in surrender
take a deep breath
and say ‘yes’

and that which was once clung to
is released

and i fal
        |   in love   |

the loving
pool of

and i see
in this sea

that only angels
have been sent my way
to help me find
my way back home

and my angels
hold the matches

for the time
when i have completed
the building
of my pyre

which needed
enough kindling
to burn away
all that was not

the last log was added
and i climbed upon the cross

and with eyes
filled with tears
and a voice
singing of your beauty

i watch as you
toss your match

and i am so

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.