i’m not sure what you mean

by firsty

Posted to Utterances on 2004-03-12 08:10:00

Parent message is 618798
but i’d like to find out.

i equate the fact that people will rape and harm as a consequence of human nature, not of politics.

more thoughts:

rape is described as a violent act. i believe this was an attempt in part by the feminist movement to separate rape from sex in order to further criminalize rapists. i think thats fine. criminalizing rapists is just fine with me. however it’s not solely about violence, it’s hugely about sex. despite my nonviolent tendencies, i can conceive myself becoming so angry as to harm someone with punches but i would never consider raping someone, no matter how angry i got with them or with anything else. i’m pretty ok about sex, despite my not having watched any porn as a 4 yr-old. i dont equate sex with violence, but many people do. and equating sex with violence isnt just about wanting to harm people. what i’m trying to say is that nudity is going to make some people rape. and i do think that rape would be more prevelant if we were all naked all the time. simply because you’re going to have just as many crazies out there but much easier access.

not sure if i said what i wanted to there, but just trying to forward the conversation.

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