no it did not work, but it is still love

by livingston=jana

Posted to Utterances on 2004-05-18 00:33:00

Parent message is 648153
he still lives and works in nigeria, our children are 23 and 21- he is still italian- and he says, that he will not do it again.
he loves the power, the money, the control. i loved the wild places, the freedom, the space. It is 24 years later and i still get birthday presents, mother s day presents-he still likes whores, of which i am no longer one, not really even for fun.
i still wanted love when he was not home, and i found it other places, as did he- but we loved our children and even each other. i loved the italians, the food, the language- i could never be italian- he wanted me to follow him everywhere, which i found disconcerting-i would sign up for a class, get a new job and he would call and tell me to come to africa.
i was disposable, but he respected me. I was the mother of his children.I was luckier than most.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.