ain’t no way

by jota

Posted to Utterances on 2004-07-02 09:29:00

Parent message is 672556
my kids get the island,
not until the day i toss off this rock

damn kids,
bout ready to gas the dogs, too
somehow mutt 57 figured out how to use his snout to pry open the ancient fridge door

no pizza leftovers, no chicken, no nothin this mornin
damn dogs even et the corn on de cobs
imagine that
vegetable eatin dogs

as if you’d think i don’t feed em enough

thank god they hadn’t learned to pop open a budwieser
otherwise they’d be carted off by now to the morgue by the puppy wagen, damn moochers

say i think last night was a full moon
i heard she-wolves and coyotes howlin a way past Mt. Diablo
was it Sooz and her posse?

good god man, be sure to wear a string of garlic

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.