what i’m reading

by daylen

Posted to What Are You Reading? on 2004-05-20 05:33:00

dharma lion. as i commute on the train from the southern suburbs to dc — taking brief notes in numbered sentences. inspiring efforts to record jazz and readings of kerouac and ginsberg, charley parker and waits. with that soundtrack in mind, this is the summer, in virginia and london, that i’ll be writing the sound stories of the homeless, the mentally ill, the petty and serious criminals, and the addicts who frequent our modest house of hospitality and low budget accomodation. it goes beyond keeping them alive, in and out of therapy, detox programs, hospitals and jails – its to memoralize our otherwise forgotten potters field dead and create a way to understand these angels with lice, these saints of demonic behavior. i’m sorry – i always get like this at the commencement of summer when i’m most nostalgic for the days of the beats, the diggers, the hog farm, the pranksters. i look around and don’t see a whole lot left – but bringing hope to the hopeless, even it’s hopeless in itself, is a way of staying true to what we once thought we would create. gee, all that from a simple question: what are you reading… so, shut up already.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.