i agree…

by JackyDuluoz

Posted to WritersAndGenres on 2002-11-27 11:50:00

Parent message is 329827
Ginsberg always envied the power of musicians (ie. Lennon, McCartney (who actually made ginsberg a shirt and backed him up on BALLAD OF THE SKELETONS), Dylan, etc)
Dylan liked Ginsberg because of his artistic merit (many didn’t or don’t take musicians seriously as poets, like G Corso who called them “minstrels” and resented that Morrison’s grave says “poet.) I’m getting to parenthetical…both dylan and ginsberg had interests in the other for these reasons, also Dylan read MEX CITY BLUES and it “blew his mind” in, i believe, 1959…so Dylan was certainly interested in the beats, and Ginsberg loved exposure- and the way to do that was to be with Dylan…

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