Read All You Can

by hobotraveler

Posted to WritersAndGenres on 2001-09-25 18:52:00

Parent message is 34536
By no means am I an expert on the Beat Generation, however I love they’re style and they’re hunger to find what is pure in America. Which in my opinion might be a good start to forming your thesis. In retrospect we understand that the Beats were not simply trying to defy conventional 1950’s America, as a matter of fact the writers were experimenting with the notion that even the fowelst of human creatures were “holy”. This is evident in Ginsberg’s poetry (Howl, Kaddish, Sunflower Sutra, etc.)and in the myriad work by Gary Snyder, Gregory Corso, and my personal favorite, Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Perhaps this information might help steer you in a more specific direction. Hope it does:)

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.