Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs

by buddhabitch

Posted to WritersAndGenres on 2003-05-06 08:48:00

Parent message is 444527
The first character that comes to mind from my childhood, someone who transported me out of my seemingly ordinary, ho hum existence into a world of the exotic and unknown. A gentle, yet incredibly strong man that was resourceful and could speak the language of the creatures around him. I guess more than Tarzan, I related to Jane, who forsake her comfortable life to live in the dark of Africa with the man she loved. Her journey, her adaptability to the foreign surroundings gave me hope and dreams that somewhere out there, someone was living a life far away from the ordinary, that I could relate to.

My mother had the whole set of Tarzan books from her childhood and they were read by me with a flashlight under the covers transporting me to underground rivers and jungle treetops. Those books sadly, were lost in the process of many moves but a few years ago, my mother and I set out to reread them, searching dusty shelves of used bookstores to find the paperback volumes…which we read and shared again and we found all but one…an accomplishment and experience we still cherish.

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