Orwell vs Burgess

by bananafish

Posted to WritersAndGenres on 2003-08-05 23:48:00

Parent message is 488028
I read Anthony Burgess’s “The Wanting Seed” about a year ago. I read 1984 a couple days ago. I dont know, maybe its because I read “1984” in the short, temple-throbbing speed of two days– maybe I missed something, but to me, Burgess seemed to have photocopied 1984, whiting out alot of its totalitarianistic aspects. (ps-is totalitarianistic a word? who cares, you get the point)

what do you think. i hope im not the only sap in this place that got roped into reading “the wanting seed”.

Reply with your thoughts please, im terribly interested to see what others have to say..

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