depends on what sortsa stuff ye like, but

by e_dog

Posted to WritersAndGenres on 2004-07-19 10:41:00

Parent message is 679013
beat — poetry Ginsberg, Collected Poems; Kerouac Book of Blues; Corso, Gasoline; novels, Kerouac, Desolation Angels; free form religious treatises, Kerouac, Some of the Dharma.

“great literature” — see above; also, anything by Dostoyevski, Kafka, Plato.

political writing– the Marx-Engels Reader (ed. R. Tucker); J.S. Mill, On Liberty; Rawls, Political Liberalism or Theory of Justice (or both); Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism; Jean Baudrillard, America.

what is “world writing”?

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.