Tanha &#8211! The Second Noble Truth (Dukkha)

by picasso

Posted to Poetry on 2002-04-22 12:23:00

He loved her.
He loves her still-

Me? What about me?

I cleave to what I learned from her,
I leave behind what she took from me.
I was her.
She is me.
We are one in the same.

Lies,that’s what it was all about.
-that is not true…there was an honest love.
Love admist lies
Lies so thick, there are few way out.
Death: death would have been easier
than telling the truth.
But tell the truth I did.
To him, to them. To him.

I cleave to what I learned from her.
I leave behind what she took from me.
I was her.
She is me.
We are one in the same.

He cannot forget her-
And here lies the most painful part-
…there never was a her.

I was her.
She is me.
We are ONE.
I cleave to what I learned from her and I leave
behind what she has taken from me.

Please…forgive me.

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