sal pleads fer help

by salparadise

Posted to Action Poetry on 2001-04-19 19:34:00

Parent message is 21210
goin’ down
slippin’ away
vanishing without a trace
need a jazzmichael pome
(haven’t seen one in a while)
to save th’ day
SPEAK! from the u.p.
SPEAK! from the D-troy IT
SPEAK! from where dears are born
SPEAK! from ann’s arbor
SPEAK! from kalama’s zoo
SPEAK! from the sagging naw
SPEAK! from she’s boy gone
(you know who she is & she *is* boy gone)
SPEAK! in rattling pomes
ye are the last chance
say it now!



The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.