steaming Whistle

by Blue Lion

Posted to Action Poetry on 2002-09-03 13:08:00

The Universal (Board) Mind
is in full effect.

Transferring messages from our mind’s I
and scripting them through finger taps and thumb thumps

The Truth of Youth

And the Kick Drums of Love pounds A Divine Rhythem.
An Acending ladder- disappearing in spiraled clouds
Floating through the air ~
Riding a Magic Wooden Door.
( with a Pink Floyd poster on it ).
Absolut 5tyle5.
Walk within the realm of Ginsberg shouting and wooping-
Jim Morrison wailing –
Trey giving Grace –
Bradley Nowell- playing- singin’With Virgins, Naked Virgins
In the Jailhouse of Heaven . . .
Endless Daydream.
June Flowers and the falling fog.
New Age Rebel Walkers- Sandal Soothsayer-
Water drinkin’ fool.
Easy Rydin’ Railroad Worker. Funk-a-fyed.
Slow groovin’ special sauce.
Movin’ too fast.
Daybreak- Manna of sublime guardians- golden tambourine shuffles in vibrant vanishing thunderstorms-
Landing in from New Gallagher- St Les IS the connector and the Y reminds us of why we’re here-
Escaping the path of danger
Trusting every single stranger-
Faith in People Erects a steeple in the mind’s eye
The soul ryders cry. His Epataph of Existence-
Minimal Mind … mind. Don’t mind me.
Hut dwelling hell hounds parade the city streets
Looking for the next Fix-
going Down the Strip for the Feast of a lifetime-
Riding this sick fantasies to their deepest and
darkest avenues-
old ideas worn thin by wretches that want something that they cant be-
to complete their battered soul-
to tell them its allright-
Driver! ~ Take a left- the road bends- Take a left-
Tree, coming closer- in slow motion-
metal upon tree-
tree and metal become one for an instant-
coming to a door-
and seeing the wheel careen into your face-
shock of pain-
over in seconds-
Released from the body just like your father died.
Car catching a flame like it was Yesterdays News.
Impermanent Flux ~
The Shift is Not always Just-
But the reality that we may shift Plains-
makes everything everything worth living-
with “Living” in Impermanent Death-
waiting for Eternal contemplation-
Mortality known to the “nights we tried to die”
Your essence fills the room-
lacing the window pains of my brain
with harmony instances.
Brief- but seen familiar in the ripples of the water-
and the reflection of light on the water-
lasting in that moment like an unchanging
Energy Releasing-
Eyes Brightly Opened with Reverence-
Feeling the Water as a onesss of love-
becoming the water-
and the light and symbiotically encompassing

“On”-ness. &

“One”-ness and


’til my next message- Keep Keepin’ on.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.