love to my beloveds (keep talking)

by rusalke

Posted to Action Poetry on 2002-09-06 23:00:00

i live them
i love them
in remembrance of
the psychic carnage
that birthed them
so many of my scars glisten for them
affect of effect
i clothe them
and house them
and feed them and keep them safe
tallest to the smallest
(thanks mom)

so love to me
and my beloveds
confiscated for content
filched to selfish fancy
idioms inebriate imagination
stolen to sustenance
a spirit suspended
precariously between
true life and too true death

unruly, me
any word you utter
is a word of love
a word of power
and i keep it close
(close to my heart!)
as though you
uttered for me
(speak to me)

permit me my fantasies
and keep talking


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