I apologize to anyone who reads this…

by unknownpoet

Posted to Action Poetry on 2001-09-06 03:13:00

…late-night incoherent rambling pome.

my dreams became flesh
under a tarpaper sky
that read “post no bills”.
weeds in the concrete
of the sidewalk and our hearts
will break down the city
and prejudice.
the way a dandelion
closes up before a rainstorm,
that is us when faced
with a disagreeable situation,
such as a homeless man
asking for change or the young activist
demanding change.
we pay through the teeth
to be kept safe
but the price is our freedom.
who will be around to tell
the story of this geneation,
destroyed not by madness
but by AIDS and greed and apathy
or by then will no one care.
we are told those who forget the past
are destined to repeat it.
the Crusades, Auschwitz,Cambodia,
Rwanda, East Timor…;
do you sense a pattern here?
it’s a numbers game
for the insane.
the sweat from your brow
is a monsoon to a Third World worker
whose blood goes straight
into the coffers of the World Bank.
the rain is like nails driving me
on2 the cross of truth-or-fiction.
the moon is the cheek of the man
who died so his family might eat.
and my flesh is a flower
being choked by diesel and hypocrisy
but will blossom into a mushroom cloud
and feed the hungry bones
of souls broken by

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.