
by onthebus2002

Posted to Action Poetry on 2002-11-05 14:50:00

I placed myself as your alibi
your every reason why
and day threads through my veins
I can still taste it,
heady night plays a heavy poison round my soul
and still you mutter your confused verse
I saw the demons behind your eyes
saw the silent struggle
and I loved you.
Now, you place me as your alibi
To lean upon a whisper I’ve placed over your lips
when deftly carresses fail to rouse the imagination
and this nightly interrogation
leaves me no other choice,
I will not repeat myself again
and this alibi shall fade as the light comes in
always does
My breath, too soft to be misguided in nature
and turning plots will lead to nothing more than your demise.
I would never pay you for a song
so dont charge me for mine.


The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.