i’m in the merry-go-roun room

by cat22

Posted to Action Poetry on 2003-03-01 15:11:00

i’m riding the rails of thunder fuck
goin on my threadbare luck an nitty
gritty; pet my charm, blowin past
what never lasts; wasted in my cups
life goes by…wind of centuries

blowin through the fire maze dancer
through the dark heart of matter hatter
the nothingness, the madness tween leaves

going down them ghost tracks yellow neon bars wingin
desolations at our backs, flipin them universe jacks
landscapes transform like meltin scare-crows
through the opening rushin shadows meadows tall grass
twinklin in the red blinkin distance; perspectives bliss

stars change the way they crawl across
the hobo heavens; i’m reckoning on underworld
things, movin past the icon garbage can towers
hell zips past; nothin can last, jazz is in the trees
that drain train drawin the eternal grain of petal rain
witch docter to my own dark self cartoon afternoon

dat ole black magic king of the unknown desert spaces
thief of suns, i speak what comes through me with
potions of my hoodoo deluge, i’m crowned wth no
bird shit, in my dawn shack-a-lack my folding corner
i’m goin aroun, ride my energy current through them
false chankin gate letters at the bullseye end horizons

Howl of mirrors, cadilack cathedral ashcan fire nights
chance of silences in black hole alleyway of sunsets
endless highways of nowhere; never sleep again
on street corner or everywhere; america turns aroun
box car hotel diamond toss, damn moons empty door
ways, cig, homeless heros, newspaper blinkets,
old haunted bums of urinals, thousand fathoms deep,
reflections, mountains of holy signs rise an fall each
blinkin neon night, junk matches in hell object game
meditations, mind slipin by, all color an slippery mad
hat horns playin miles and miles, tracks in the warped groove….

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.