
by 4 degrees

Posted to Action Poetry on 2003-12-04 20:20:00

i dont claim to be a writer
im not anything of the sort
but i do write stuff
i dont really know why
and i really dont understand
my urge to post stuff either
im not writing for you anyway
im writing to someone
who will never know what ive written
because they dont care
but thats ok
oh i know they care about me
in a general sense
but not about what i
create in my mind
tap out on the keyboard
and record into my harddrive
man if only they knew
what was really going on
when these wheels o’ shit
are churning in my head
they would probably not
or want to
but thats ok too
not everyone has
the deep rooted desire that i have
to know someone inside and out

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.