
by friendlyrobot

Posted to Poetry on 2003-03-15 21:57:00

Parent message is 404007
that is the best thing ive ever read on this board. no kidding.
shimmer Or steel ray strength; those heavy heavy witnesses Were sentenced to solitariness With only cardboard moans To keep them company. and Branded indelibly object. Mince-meat grinder magnetism swallowed all our flaccid mangled bodies, But those minds who raked with weather-beaten vision the Spectrum coloured autumn leaves Were not repackaged in cellophane consonants and tumbling vowels Melt to grunts of mistaken recognition. Robotic clone monster forgotten its name And its origin But never its immutable rank and uselessness Drilled in on steel plates another In instant electron clash: “You are Me And I am You” And infant grins bounce and crackle On the vinyl spinning veneer. No point talking: It’s just Me and Me in futile exchange: Filthy born throats) Giant erasure pads wipe and smear and expunge Til faces cleared of nose and hair and lips and undulating idiosyncrasy dunes: Blank machine masks stare to one be paper green and creased. Further along the gilded disassembly line conveyer belt (Whose studded metre has – following prolonged prescriptions, impregnation And burglary – noosed so many barely It pitted out my starry eyes and in their place two blackbird stools; Most’s eyes went straight from limpid placenta blue to Buffed copper coins longing to

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.