
by dustbunny

Posted to Poetry on 2003-06-10 16:20:00

“The whole race is a poet that writes down
the eccentric propositions of its fate.”

~ Wallace Stevens

In the desert, Marco Polo said, even
by day you hear the demons chatter,
and more often smell the heat of the drums.

Fragrance that draws the root into moist earth.
Soul follows across the world
out of marvel and stupefaction

It was when the god laughed the fourth time
and nothing happened…
that gasp of irony…

Light will amplify the shadows of the audience
so there are giants in the Asian mist.

The fountain dissolves into itself
shadows of her skin
His eyes are closed. Dark circles.
presence of absence
Circling a hidden nest.

I sit silently
listening to my thoughts take flight.

Purple flower on the Tarot card that shows the Fool.

Seeing through time
eternal patterns
within time
And in the shadows of the Gods
I find the Gods themselves…

Beauty dethroned by Love,
all the world becomes a poem.

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