A feeling

by teddie

Posted to Poetry on 2002-01-21 01:11:00

Ever get the feeling that things
just aren’t quite right?
That someone you love is
Lying to you to save face?
That there is something you just
don’t know, but you can’t
place it or put a name to it?
That the smiles coming your
way are fake and forced to surface?
That the touch you receive is
just a touch of habit, not one of love?
That the voice you hear each day
is no longer the voice of truth
but the voice of deceit and betrayal?
That the whispers in the night
are no longer for you, but meant
for the ears of another yet unknown?
That when the door closes and
your someone goes away,
they are going to the arms of another?
That when you look into those eyes
and they seem too look back, they
no longer look to you but past you?
That no matter what you do, how you look,
or how you love, it will never be
enough to keep that one around?
That in the end, when the day is through
and all is said and done, you’ll look
around at what is there and see that
the love has come undone.
That the one you planned to
live out your life with, while still
next to you at night, has left
a shell but nothing else
cause the heart is already gone.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.