watching husserl’s television

by stilltrucking

Posted to Stories on 2002-01-02 20:35:00

Parent message is 87313
east bound arizona desert clear bright moonlit night a hundred miles of desert between the river and sticker patch got the big one piece windshield of a cherry picker pete in front of me, cruising a steady 75 watching the windshield like a big tv screen listening to my allan watts tape for nth hundred time. desert coming at me in the shine of her headlights, a minivan one them ones with all the glass comes bye flying low. ninety or hundred i don’t know. Everything quiet extecept for the zen voice. the minivin is about a 100 yards in front when it starts easing into the median and drops in left front tire off the shoulder its rolling ok in the sand but it must have awakened the driver naturaly he does the sensible thing of yanking the steering wheel to the right so naturaly the van is totaly out of contral flips at least twice i am sure comes to stop upside across the east boutnd lanes smoke steam dust but i manage to stop there are bodies all over the super slab, i angle the rig across both lanes to protect the bodies. i run towards the accident a woman comes running at me screaming that i hit her car. a man comes running up asking me to help his little sister, she could be five or ten years old i don’t know feeling for a pulse there is none there is a large sliver of glass may 6 inches or more protruding from where there was an eye on the right side of her face. arizona troopter arrives mean while the cars that have been backed up behind me are coming up the shoulder and weaving their way through the bodines, he puts a stop to that. paramedics arrive body bagging the little girl trooper ask me to stand with him to block the view of this looky lo’s are rubber necking to try and see around us
and he asks me why?

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