Is our reality just an exact duplicate of an earlier reality?

by tangerine

Posted to Utterances on 2002-06-04 02:32:00

Is it? Is it?

Maybe! but if it was wouldn’t you remember?

or if it was how would we know
and therefore shouldn’t we think
more of the immediate things that
are around our feet and available to our eyes

and contrary to your analogy
eternity can be seen or at least intuited

take a look at a horizon sometime
and you should realize that the line
that you see is an illusion
being the limitation of eyesight itself

and therefore this line or limitation
is the opening of your mind to that
which lays beyond it

eternity if you will
possibility if you will

it is an opening to whatever you imagine it to be

as opposed to a dialectic ending of everything
which is the unwillingness to imagine what lays beyond

more content to be coaxed by words and its inherent
dualistic nature that nothing beyond words exist

the map is not the territory
the description is not the described
the word is not the thing
the tunnel is not the reality

of course you can imagine that the opposite of all this is also true
and so be it

be that what it may

sometimes i am interested in the creation of meaning
as much as I am interested in the ending of it

so you are right or we are both right
or we are both wrong or it doesn’t really matter
what is right or wrong

merely what you are attesting to is the reflection
of what is happening to you at a given moment in
which you find yourself

surprisingly it is always changing

therefore nothing of what i have said is anything
worth the definition of truth

rather than the map is not the territory
the description is not the described

and eternity is a word which speaks as much
about possibility as it does about
the absurdity of thinking about it!

can you not be in three places at the same time
being in your flesh while being in your heart
and being in your thoughts

but maybe there is no separation between
any of these things

maybe it is all connected
and we are supposedly experiencing the separation of things

why not meditate on the connectivity
and see whether this changes the patterns of our thoughts
the patterns of our emotions
the patterns of our intellectualization

can we not marry our hearts to our heads
afterall they are joined by the flesh
amongst other worldly worded things
such as these

be as it may – but BE!

and don’t worry – my present predilection
for eternity will spin out of control
and take my head under again

but for the moment on this ride
because i feel as i can – because i want to feel
as if i were atop a mountain looking further out
into the sky – and I am!

finding solace in the emptiness
a home in the heart of OBLIVION

what is wrong with the void other
than the complete lack of material

but we are greater than the material existence
despite what Hollywood has to say

WE ARE ELECTRIC! And Electric we shall stay!

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