
by GordonWilson

Posted to Utterances on 2002-06-12 07:53:00

Parent message is 205766
“days of our litkicks”… hehehe
it’s funny you wrote that because in the following month after all the discoveries were made, i was constantly beating myself up, angry, and utterly destroyed by the fact that my own life was seeming so like a soap opera drama… i hate that shit… i’ve tried for so long to be about rationale and simplicity and honesty… so i was completely dumbfounded that i had become part of such a messy drama… hehehe.

nope, she never wrote anything ever again. i saw her once, about a month later, sometime around christmas, in the port of miami seaman’s center. i was with some buddies, walking through a park, and *gulp, sharp inhale* there she was, sorting through some crap in her purse. i composed myself, and decided to just keep walking, unless she noticed me. she did, looked up, an incredibly shameful look took her face, and she looked back down. i bravely managed a “how ya doin?” but walked past without hearing her response. i tell ya, things will get really strange if my company posts me to a ship where she is… hehehe.

later jim,


The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.