the prosecuting attorney said,

by doreen peri

Posted to Utterances on 2002-06-12 15:18:00

Parent message is 206169
holding a hand written letter about 2 inches from the witness’ face.

“Where did you get that?” the witness asked with a shocked look of dismay.

“I am the one asking questions here! “, he answered. “You are here to answer them. Judge Tim, please submit this piece of evidence into the records.”

The prosecuter walked over the the clerk and handed him the letter. “Could you please read this aloud for the jury?”, he requested, with a smug look on his face as if he had just eaten the ultimate taco smothered with hot sauce and nobody else could have any.

“Oh sure, why not?” said the clerk, smirking. “But this letter stinks! It smells like musk oil and hot taco sauce Eeeewww!!! How long has this been out in the sun?”

By this time the prosecuting attorney was noticibly ticked off. “I am the one asking the questions here, jerk!, er, i mean, clerk! Not YOU or anybody else”.

“Very well then, I’ll read the damn thing but i’m telling you, this whole thing stinks to high heaven!”

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