thats what i want to do

by kerouac&dylan

Posted to Utterances on 2002-06-14 12:19:00

Parent message is 207965
i tell you i know i wont be able to hack having a job when i get older that gets in the way, my job has to be to press the boudries, part of what i hope will be “my life work” all encomposing, either that or i see my future positively if i can find a job thats short where i don’t have to work so hard and i don’t hate it and i don’t have to bring work home, thats the way, stating it right now, thats how my future is going to be, i am in control, and i refuse to have it any other way. i’d rather be homeless that work a desk job that takes up too much of my time, i’ve been saying it for years and its going to be this way, i just wont stand it.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.