Now, A Cut-Up

by novalark

Posted to Utterances on 2002-06-15 11:07:00

Parent message is 208509
It Was Tangier-have left this marvellous oneiric universe – If I say that place by waking up- when suddenly, I understood -directions afternoon- with stupor that this. Lengthened in my bed – I reviewed what I had seen in dream- rich typically oneiric it is scenes- afflicted to as many traditional places – magic complex network of galleries – found there also tunnels -of the end of – in a with lanes leaving in all the- I walked slowly- One, ramparts, ruins, keeps and cliffs, one would have said the decorations- of Its topography was a contempt of the laws- of the of the streets which were only literal direction- By a beautiful city really existed -staircases terraces dominating the sea-, dark dead prospect,- ends, small places -arranged in sloping places-so that similar to corridors with-on each side, of the doors opening on- Tangier struck to me as being a town of dream- ballet drawn to the hidden parts- necessary to take the expression in its covered streets

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