Beatniks. . .

by Jim Furnish

Posted to Utterances on 2002-06-18 19:47:00

Parent message is 211167
Wear Berets, Black Turtle Neck sweaters, and “shades”(sunglasses to “squares”)

the male beatniks sport goatees…

They live in “pads”..
always play bongo drums and spout poetry.
They say things like,
“cool, Daddy-O, I dig you the most!”
“Way-out, Man!”
“I’m a Cool Cat and I’m real Gone Daddy-O”

Beatniks call the events of everyday life: Scenes
When a beatnik leaves a scene: he “splits”
Beatniks don’t work because jobs arent, “cool”
Male beatniks are”Cats”and their women are, “chicks”

If a beatnik isnt to be found in his “pad”, then
he is usually down at the “beanery”(coffee house)
playing his bongos, or making up poetry.
also, you can tell who is a beatnik at a coffee house reading. Squares(non-beatniks) clap their hands at the end of a performance. Real beatniks snap their fingers to show appreciation of a well spouted poem.
Remember that, Jazzy, never clap, snap!

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.