Excerpts from a novel that doesn’t exist

by elemental123

Posted to Utterances on 2002-12-09 19:18:00

“Strains of compressed reality fluid combined itself into a solution of irreality that burned astral barries into an ash of spirtual residue. Ancient scriptures lept off pages when the curve barrier between manifested possibility and unmanifested impossibility fell into the residue and melted, as if it had fallen into a vat of molten lava.”

“Reality static flooded the fabric of the static of telepathic stupors, born of the concentration of the collective imaginations energy. Angelic morphogenic concentrations clashed with electricity formed in a demonic quality.”

“Their eyes were filled had always been blank stares, but their eyes were now filled with astral-plane-crossover
energy, set to mold the universe like clay”

“Ghostly apparitions that had been stored in genetic memory’s quantam interface ate the mushrooms born of tornadic interchanges of matter an spirit and fell into a hallucinatory feast of digestible chaos in physical forms”

from (a novel that doesn’t exist)
by (an author that doesn’t exist)

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