my stomach is sick of soma

by notbeat

Posted to Utterances on 2002-12-11 13:11:00

I really am starting to get sick of soma, of art and music and words and all of it because I get so few new soma types, I sit around, when not at work, and munch on the same old soma variations, and it just doesn’t satisfy me as it has in the past. I think the main reason though is that it all is void of love, music and the arts are lacking love to me because I am lacking love, and I am starting to get those same old, ‘what for?’ feelings again, what I am doing any of this for? Well, so I can relax and take a bit of soma here and there, well, what if the soma gets old and uninteresting, is there anything else? I don’t know, love I think, but I need to get this fucking month over and done with so I’ll have the money to get out of this fucking place, and on to the next venue to act out the life rountine, but hopefully this time I will be working in vet clinic taking care of the nice animals and making sure they are safe and healthy and happy and clean and all, get my love from them, dogs are full of love and they give without discretion, and then maybe get some human love if anyone is interesting and interested in giving it.

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