Original Steely Dan – WSB

by novalark

Posted to Utterances on 2001-06-10 10:19:00

Mary is strapping on a rubber penis: “Steely Dan III from Yokohama,” she says, caressing the shaft. Milk spurts across the room.
“Be sure that milk is pasteurized. Don’t go giving me some kinda awful cow disease like anthrax or glanders
or aftosa….”
“When I was a transvestite Liz in Chi used to work as an exterminator. Make advances to pretty boys for the thrill of being beaten as a man. Later I catch this one kid, overpower him with supersonic judo I learned from an old Lesbian Zen monk. I tie him up, strip off
his clothes with a razor and fuck him with Steely Dan I. He is so relieved I don’t castrate him literal he come all over my bedbug spray.”
“What happen to Steely Dan II”
“He was torn in two by a bull dike. Most terrific vaginal grip I ever experienced. She could cave in a lead pipe. It was one of her parlor tricks.”

“And Steely Dan II”
“Chewed to bits by a famished candiru in the Upper Baboonsasshole.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.